Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Action report 1 Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Action report 1 - Article Example The introduction part of the article offers an insight of the general views of the two schools and what led to their views. The fatalists’ view is mostly persuaded by technology (Klein 1). In the conclusion part, both fatalists and redistributionists conclude that the government has not brought about inequality (Klein 1). According to them, social services and taxes have not changed all that much, and; therefore, raising taxes or enhancing infrastructure spending, for instance, will not fix it either. The only issue is that redistributionists argue that fatalists are not aware of how the government has aided inequality through cutting taxes on wealthy people and not considering the poor (Klein 1). In the mitigation theory, Fieldhouse argues that greater taxes on the rich might do more to restrain inequality than people notice (Klein 1). Finally, in the wider appeal section, it discusses how the Federal Reserve’s choice to prioritize low inflation above full employment is a regime intervention of staggering significance, even though it is hardly ever presented that way (Klein

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