Friday, January 3, 2020

I Am Me With Adhd And Prescribed Medication - 1347 Words

After many doctor appointments, many test, many forms completed by both my parents and the teachers they diagnosed me with ADHD and prescribed medication. Unfortunately, I am one of the people who does not respond to the stimulant medications. As I thought back over my elementary school experience, I realized I did not get a lot of support or changes made to help me in the school environment. The first couple of years after I was diagnosed, my Mom would fill out a lot of paper work at the beginning of each school year but the only benefit I remember getting from all of this was extended time to take test, which I never used. Through discussions between my mom and at the teachers recommendation, they made the decision that since I never needed the extended time it was not worthwhile to continue filling out the forms, so my Mom stopped. I remember my Mom talking about the teachers recommending to not fill out the forms since they were not needed because it ‘labeled’ me. I have always been very active and talkative, even as a toddler. I have often heard my mom say I never set still. I have been told by my parents that I have trouble following directions, but it is not that I cannot follow directions, I just get side tracked by something else that catches my attention. I am easily distracted and have a hard time staying focused. I am an only child and lived with both my mother and father. My parents both have college degrees. My Mom has worked in the corporate world (localShow MoreRelatedChristina Gonzalez Application Paper Treating ADHD A large percentage of Americans suffer from700 Words   |  3 PagesTreating ADHD A large percentage of Americans suffer from attention deficit disorder also known as ADHD. The news article I chose to write about is a U.S News article by Rachel Pomerance Berl titled Meds or No Meds? How to treat a child with ADHD. 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